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„Martina ist leider seit vorgestern krank“ / "Martina is unfortunately ill since the day before yesterday“ Bad Harzburg Rabenklippe und Brocken,
Cramers Kunstanstalt K.-G.,
Postkarte / Postcard

"An die Berge scheint die Sonne zuerst." Deutsches Sprichwort / "To the mountains the sun shines first."
German proverb, Ticket Josephskreuz, Auerberg, 2020

Wiesenklee / red clover, Breitenstein, 2021

Radau-Wasserfall / Radau-Waterfall, Heinr. Pages, Bad Harzburg,
Postkarte / Postcard

Thomas-Müntzer-Stadt / Thomas-Müntzer-Town Stolberg/Harz, Bild und Heimat, Postkarte / Postcard

Königstein I,
Teufelsmauer / Kingstone I, Devil‘s Wall, Weddersleben, 2022

Königstein II, Teufelsmauer / Kingstone II, Devil‘s Wall, Weddersleben, 2022

Hexenaltar / Altar of witches, Brocken, 2021

Fichtenwald / Spruce forest, Breitenstein, 2021

Landwirtschaftliche Produktionsgenossenschaft (LPG) / Agricultural production cooperative, Breitenstein, 2021

Hänsel und Gretel (Echtes Lungenkraut) / Hansel and Gretel (common lungwort), Breitenstein, 2021

Heimkehle bei Uftrungen (Kr. Sangerhausen) Größte Höhle der DDR Ehrenmal im Kleinen Dom / Heimkehle near Uftrungen (Kr. Sangerhausen)
Largest cave of the GDR Memorial in the Small Cathedral, Bild und Heimat,
Postkarte / Postcard

Waldschaden / Forest damage, Hochharz, 2022

Grabstein unbekannter Russe / Gravestone unknown Russian, Ehrenfriedhof Oderbrück, 2022

Herbstzeitlose / Autumn crocus, Breitenstein, 2021

Mittelsteine I, Teufelsmauer / Center stones I, Devil‘s Wall, Weddersleben, 2022

Mittelsteine II, Teufelsmauer / Center stones I, Devil‘s Wall, Weddersleben, 2022

Rodung / Clearing, Schalliete, 2022

Baumstumpf / snag, Schalliete, 2022

Bilck vom Hexentanzplatz in das Bodetal / View from the witches' dancing place into the Bode valley, Thale 2022

Breitenstein (Harz), Planet-Verlag Berlin, Postkarte / Postcard

Friedrichsbrunn (Harz) Blick von der Terrasse des Sanatoriums „Ernst Thälmann“ / Friedrichsbrunn (Harz) View from the terrace of the
"Ernst Thälmann" sanatorium, Bild und Heimat,
Postkarte / Postcard

Ruine / Ruin, Güntersberge, 2022

Weggabelung / Fork, Osterkopf 2021

Oderstausee / Oder Reservoir, Bad Lauterberg, 2022

Kaiser Wilhelm I. Denkmal / Kaiser Wilhelm I monument, Hübichenstein, 2022

Josephskreuz; Friedrichsbrunn, FDGB-Bettenhaus „Kurt Dillge“; Alexisbad, DR-Erholungsheim „Selketal“; Burg Falkenstein;
Güntersberge, Bild und Heimat, Postkarte / Postcard

Vertikales Totholz / Vertical deadwood, Oderbrück, 2022

Bungalow, Breitenstein, 2012

Köthener Hütte, Alexisbad, 2022

Waldung / Woodland, Braunlage, 2022

Gasthaus / Inn, Königskrug, 2022

Entwaldung / Deforestation, Hahnenklee, 2022

Nebel / Fog, Brocken, 2022

These mountains and forests are entwined with German history and Germanic myths. According to legend, unicorns lived here in caves and sacrifices were made to Wodan on the peaks. On Walpurgis night the witches met here to dance and not far away Barbarossa waits in a cave for the revival of his empire. Emperors resided here and the peasants rebelled here against the authorities. Goethe and Heine wandered through the forests and valleys. The seemingly untouched forests and mountains were places of longing for the glorifying gaze of German Romanticism. But village names like Elend (misery) and Sorge (worry) tell about the real life in the low mountain range, which was characterized by mining and forestry. Under National Socialism, caves and forests became important sites for the war industry and were used as forced labor and concentration camps. After the war, the inner-German border divided the mountains into FRG and GDR. Today, the beginning of the climate change is affecting the nature: bark beetles, drought and storms are destroying large areas of forest.
The wooded hills once gave the low mountain range its name: Hart is an old German word that means mountain forest. From this the region developed its present name: Harz.
The exhibition hart deals with a wide concept of landscape, which includes socio-cultural, economic and ecological contexts as well as the manifold interaction of man and environment in the landscape. The exhibition becomes an exploration of orders and relationships, which leads to an exploration of man and nature through social and ethnological traces. The combination of documentary photographs with collected plants and objects creates an archive that explores ecological structures and cultural contexts in order to document and analyze the current conditions and identities of a region and society.